
Means writing something or copying from one media to another as writing on paper while somebody is speaking or dictating something
It's really a difficult task as a person has to understand which topic the speaker is speaking of. The person who is writing is known as the" TRANSCRIPTIONIST " and Person who is speaking or dictating is known as " TRANSCRIBER. "
There are many Type of Transcription's like (i). Legal - (ii). General and Business (iii). Medical
General Transcription : These are audio and video files where a person is speaking in a conference. General Transcriptionist listens to them by playing files on his/her computer, try to understand what the conference person is saying, and write on that topic. These types of dictations do not need special training or certification. Only good ears and typing skills are enough to get started. TV forecasting companies, insurance companies, book publishers, business consultants, online marketers, and speakers take this type of services.
Legal Transcription : This serves basically to lawyers. In this type of dictation, there are letters to clients, other attorneys, judges, court clerks, agencies, legal pleadings, public and private inquiries, tribunals, civil court, criminal court cases, and any other type of court hearings.
Medical Transcription

This service is used by physicians, clinics, and hospitals. A special training and certification is needed for transcribing medical records such as patient histories, operative reports, clinical notes, and laboratory reports. All the work must be done in a specific turnaround time (TAT) with highest accuracy and format given by them.
Its a Outsourcing Business need highest Perfection & Time Accuracy .
Career Training
It can be technically challenging & interesting job, which pays high-scale salaries for everybody who is looking for a career and very much concerned about the scope. .
In today's job world, STABILITY is the most important factor. MT Industry is very much stable because it comes under BPO (Business Process Outsourcing). The work comes from developed countries like America, Canada, and many others. Indian government is always encouraging these types of processes because of foreign revenue.
First thing is interest in the field. It can be done anytime in life, but its good if trainee is 12th pass from science stream. It will help to understand the dictations and different accents of doctors with medical terminologies.
It does not require specialized IT skills, but it requires primary skills like good listening and fluency in English; especially American way of speech and accent.
Skills to be developed
* Basic computer skills such as typing with knowledge of word processing program such as Microsoft Word and Open Office.
* A good listening and understanding must be developed by the trainee. It is always preferred to make a meaningful report.
* Good grasp of the English grammar skills with spell checking and American English accent.
* Must have ability to work long hours.
* Medical Terminology of Doctors :In starting stage of the training process, typing software's are given for practical; and in theory, students learn about human anatomy, name of common diseases and their treatments, names of drugs, and different patient conditions. Combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes are also taught.
Types of Training
Offline: Join any institute, check your comfort of time and place nearby you, get fee structure, timing of class, and get enrolled.
Online Medical Transcription Training
Become medical transcriptionist online: Study at home and join distance learning program.Medical Transcription From Home
How to do it from home, what type of study materials, jobs, prospectus, future, and how to get enrolled in the training program?Medical Transcription Companies
We have listed some of the outsourcing companies and transcriptionist institutes operating in different states of INDIA. We have also provided a list of Fraud Brokers & Fraud Companies involved in Scams.
Several type of Medical Transcriptionist Training Program is offered by centers all over the country. In all the programs, the main purpose is to get through Medical Terminology & they all have almost common Course Material
We also Share free medical transcription tutorials : Consists of module by chapters on Human Physiology & Medicine, English Usage and Grammar Guidelines in MT, Diagnostic Tests, Training Audio Files, Transcribed Reports, Resources & Indexes, and Abbreviations. It will make clear about sample transcription reports used in industry.
After Understanding some of this outsourcing works in India .
How to Start Medical Transcription
Business - By opening a company or MT from home or training institutes. Before thinking, read medical transcription process.
Why does this outsourcing business come from other countries to INDIA? How much big space is needed? Where from we can get transcription work, medical transcribers, and quality analyst?
To get work, we have to approach direct clients from USA. Work must be HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliant. This is also known as HIPAA Medical Transcription. This is really an important term to understand it.
There are many features provided to USA-based doctors and hospitals such as Telephone Dictation Service and Digital Voice Recorder .
What are medical transcription software in industry are Freeware - Open Source - Licensed?
We also provide tool for medical transcription productivity this is software can be used in-house to increase daily line count and get maximum output from the same work work . This makes them to work as a Team.
The medical transcription equipment used by doctors & what we need for transcribing - Product Roles - How to use them - From where to buy or order online in INDIA.
We also offer sample files for students to make them understand of the many types of transcription voice & dictated reports made by Quality Analysts.
Get Information on Medical Billing and Coding Information and its cutting edge of information technology used in health information field for converting the physician's note into codes & billing to patients for insurance companies.
We also doing Social Awareness about Breast Cancer News and Mesothelioma Cancer.